My inspiration for pursuing a career as a body-based psychotherapist comes from a daily Yoga practice that began when I was 19 years old. My aim is to share with clients the balance, calm and abiding Presence that has slowly over the years taken root in my own life. I offer Psychotherapy in a spirit of service, with full respect for the path and challenges of the client, along with the belief that personal challenges offer each of us the potential to become wise.
Psychotherapy Training
I received my academic training at Naropa’s school of Somatic Counseling Psychology in Boulder, CO. My purpose in attending Naropa was to integrate the obvious therapeutic benefits of Yoga within a framework of contemporary Psychotherapy. Since 2006, I have had the opportunity to develop a style of Psychotherapy informed by the practices and principles of Yoga.
Yoga Training
I have personally practiced Yoga for over 30 years, and have been teaching since 2001. I am a certified Integral Yoga® instructor with over 1000 hours of training. I had the opportunity to immerse myself, live and practice the teachings of Yoga during the five years I lived at Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville in Virginia ( During my tenure at the Yogaville Ashram, I led residential Teacher Training programs and led numerous workshops on topics related to Yoga and psychological well-being.

Please contact Louis directly to find out more about the therapy he offers, or the therapeutic yoga classes he teaches, and if his approach may be a good fit for you:
Telephone: (720) 263-2575